Unobtrusive Buffet.
Martha Leone
Introduction to Jacobean furniture.
This piece is super unusual and I love it, even with the two cracked front panels. It's slim and unobtrusive. It can easily slip into a room without bullying its way into the spotlight. It's a Jacobean buffet. After a bit of research, I discovered that Jacobean furniture, originally coming from England between 1600-1690, was reproduced by colonial americans. Reproductions were made circa 1920.
What I did with it. Painted it Annie Sloan Coco straight out of the can (no custom mixes were needed here), then waxed it, then aged it using my favorite technique by using Minwax Dark Walnut stain. I'll share the tutorial on this aging process soon.
Photography for a staging-challenged artist. I can paint furniture but staging it for a photograph... yikes. I know what I want but can't always get it. Just in case you're challenged like me, I thought I would share some of my attempts at setting up this shot. Although some of my favorite bloggers recommend that it's important to set up a vignette or story when staging, I prefer to set the piece against the wall with an object or two. Sometimes I'll add an object that supports the design concept, like with Waterfall. Or I'll stage it with something unlikely like Accidental Dresser.
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Thank you to Nita from Mod Vintage Life for helping me identify this type of furniture in a recent comment she wrote.
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