Gray record cabinet & thoughts on how mistakes are helpers.
Martha Leone
The bad news
In my opinion, an idea that feels forced or contrived isn't a good idea. That's what happened with my first concept for this record cabinet. The idea was to reinterpret an record album cover from the 1950's. The design got away from me as I worked on it. The color, composition, and line weren't coming together.
The good news Some ideas are better left in the head. Others are worth expressing but need refinement before they can find their full expression on a canvas or dresser. Either way, exploration is vital to survival as an artist. It produces those wonderful ah-ha moments and also those "oh no, what have I done!" moments. Exploration of new ideas helps us develop an eye for good design and gives us the freedom to use new techniques. And that's good news.
This piece is available at Peg Leg Vintage, a great new store that specializes in mid-century furniture and accessories with industrial touches throughout the store. 9600 Baltimore Avenue, College Park, Maryland • 301-477-3423 •
If you have a chance, check out my work on Facebook, Pinterest, and Hometalk.